The Creation - Day Five: Aquatic Life and Fowl

Genesis 1:20-23 “And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.”

Have you ever wondered why the waters brought forth life and then fowls? Why do birds came after life in the ocean? You’d think life would develop in them then move onto land and then into the air. But that conundrum exists only if you think of fowl as what we’re used to today. They weren’t. In light of what paleontologists know now, this verse is scientifically accurate.

When you think of feathered animals what do you think of? If you answered “birds,” you’d be correct. If you answered, “dinosaurs” you’d also be correct. It’s common consensus now that birds are modern-day dinosaurs. By extension, you can say dinosaurs, even T-Rex were birds. Fowls. I watched a fascinating TED talk last year where a scientist proposed “creating” a raptor from a chicken by “enabling” the DNA in chickens which presented the long tails and other dinosaur-like traits. It changed my conception of these creatures.

They’re warm blooded creatures dressed in colorful feathers and beaks. They traveled around in large packs. Flocks? Many had hollow bones. For want of a better word, whoever saw that vision called them what they most appeared like: fowl.

I’ve already touched on the concept of evolution. So I’ll only remind you of this point. Evolution that has an animal, or plant for that matter, change from one species to another through random genetic mutation doesn’t happen. Not even bacteria, who’s life spans are measured in minutes take millions of years to change.

So what of more complex creatures then? But God could make such a change in an instant if He chose using advanced genetic manipulation. The bottom line is however He made the changes, He made them. It wasn't random chance that created all these diverse forms of life.

With enough free oxygen in the atmosphere to support higher forms of animal life, God put the finishing touches on the earth to get it ready for man. Again, we don’t know how long this took. My opinion is it took the whole of the Cambrian and Pleistocene periods. The organic matter of long dead forests and dinosaurs had been reduced to crude petroleum. The sun had stabilized, in effect the stage was set for God’s master-work, man.

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