Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Mosiah 9-11 - Noah and Abinadi A Contrast of Opposites

Abinadi is one of my favorite prophets in the Book of Mormon. Though he likely never saw the good he did before he was killed by the wicked king, Noah. Next to Nephi, he is one of the most influential prophets in all the history of the Nephites.

I give that honor to him because it was through him that Heavenly Father reached Alma. Though he sealed his testimony to Noah with his life, that one conversion he made led to a dynasty of prophets.

Noah is one of just three wicked government leaders who are treated in more than just passing by Mormon. (The others are Amalikiah, and Zoram.) I’ll talk of the other two later once I get into the Book of Alma, but these three share a common trait, which is why I think Mormon mentioned them. Not only were they wicked, but they led their society into wickedness too.

Noah legitimized debauchery and alcohol for his people. He appointed wicked advisors who judged and ruled the people in accordance with his desires. In this environment, most of the people followed after him into wickedness until Abinadi was called of God to warn them. Noah, like the other two leaders, is an example of what one wicked man, when placed in power, can have over a nation.

Think of that when you vote this year.

The last thing I want to mention is Abinadi’s warning. The first time he comes, he warns the people if they don’t repent, they will be brought into bondage. The people ignore his warnings. Two years later he returns. And that’s my topic for my next entry.

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